Slovakia Public Access Numbers

Public Access Numbers by City Public Access Numbers by Area Code
Bratislava 4212 3300 6598 4212 3300 6598 Bratislava

Public Access Numbers can be used by everyone, even if they are not subscribers, to reach any Universal Office. Subscribers can place domestic or international telephone calls on a local number at preferred rates to any destination, domestic or international, around the corner or around the world.

To make telephone calls through the Public Access Network just call any Public Access Number, press 1, and follow the instructions.

To reach any Universal Telephone Number through the International Public Access Network just call any Public Access Number, press 2, and follow the instructions.

The International Public Access Network can also be used to send and receive messages and pages, even if you do not have a pager, FREE OF CHARGE.

Using the Public Access Numbers couldn't be easier! Just make a local call to any Public Access Number, and as soon as Genie answers:


Call any Universal Office subscriber: Press 2 and enter the Universal Telephone Number (Genie Number) of the party they wish to reach.

Join a conference call (without long distance or international telephone charges): Press 2; enter the Universal Telephone Number (Genie Number) of the party hosting the conference.


Pick up their messages: Press the star (*) Key, and then enter their Universal Telephone Number (Genie Number) and passcode.

Place Domestic or International calls (just like a calling card): Press 1, enter their Universal Telephone Number and Passcode.

Reach Customer Service as a local call – Just press zero (0) after you call any Public Access Number.

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