For Immediate Release
July 29, 2007

Address: 320 E. Charleston Blvd. Suite 204-221
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104-1015
Telephone: 800-850-5500
Email address: CorporateRelations

AllCom Eliminated the Atlantic Ocean

Consumer communications pioneer announces local service bridging the greatest barrier between UK and North America.

AllCom announced today that they are launching a new class of local communications service connecting their subscribers across the Atlantic Ocean

"We’re talking about far more than just low-cost calling,” said Thomas Skala, CEO of AllCom. "Our new service lets people have a single, direct presence in any combination of the US, the United Kingdom and soon Canada."

For several years, AllCom has enabled low-cost International calling with its network of Public Access Numbers or its unique Call Back system. Customers with a "Genie" account on the AllCom system could be reached by calling local numbers overseas, and then entering a code number to reach the subscriber.

"But that’s all changing," explained an enthusiastic Skala. "Now, our subscribers can have their own, individual local numbers in any of these three countries, all of which connect to exactly the same central system.

"For many years, companies have had letterheads saying things like, 'San Francisco, London and Toronto.' Now even the smallest company can have local numbers there, without needing to have a local office. For as little as $5 per month, someone based in Chicago could also have a number in Manchester that connects British callers to Chicago – as a LOCAL call!"

The service also allows subscribers in any of the three countries to make calls anywhere in the other two for as little as 2 cents per minute. Calls to mobile phones in the UK vary based on the cellular provider.

"Anyone who is a transplant to this country – or one of the others – will love that, Skala went on. Get a number back in Aberdeen, Scotland to go with the number you already have in Aberdeen, Washington. Instantly, you and your entire family can reach each other for virtually nothing!

"Whether for business, family or just the fun of it, you can now ignore the Atlantic Ocean. AllCom eliminated it."

About AllCom

AllCom, a Nevada corporation, was created to integrate telecommunications, electronic banking and internet services into one seamless global service.

AllCom embarked on a mission to design and fully develop a proprietary technology, both hardware and software, which integrates three powerful technologies; Telecommunications, the world’s most universal and interactive communication medium; Electronic Banking, the key to electronic commerce; and the Internet, the world’s most powerful information medium as one seamless service.

AllCom integrated its own unified communications platform with Genie Bancor's electronic banking services: The Universal Office, AllCom’s proprietary soft switch, runs on GenieNet, an international private voice-over-IP network, (GenieNet).

AllCom now provides local coverage in most US markets. Across the nation, in over three thousand cities and communities, spanning 115 area codes across 1343 rate centers, in twenty-seven states and Washington DC, and can be reached by approximately 80% of the population in the United States as a local call.

AllCom also provide Local Public Access Numbers in about five thousand cities and communities in 38 countries on five continents through the use of a touch-tone telephone or the internet. NO OTHER EQUIPMENT IS NECESSARY.

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