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AllCom Introduces Campus-Cast Affinity Program

Communications innovator AllCom announces PhonePlusPlus Affinity for Colleges and Universities.

Nevada-based AllCom announced today Campus-Cast, a new program offering its one-of-a-kind PhonePlusPlus cellular enhancement package to colleges and universities nationwide.

"Campus-Cast offers collegiate institutions a way to stay actively in touch with their students and faculty," said AllCom President Randall Skala, "without having to install or maintain any infrastructure, and without the data-management issues of a home-grown system.

"In the event of an emergency - or just an important announcement - the administration can get word out to the cell phone of every PhonePlusPlus subscriber," Skala explained. "And far from costing the school a fortune to implement, they can put Campus-Cast in place with no out of pocket expenses. In fact, the school can actually make money."

The PhonePlusPlus system, recently introduced by AllCom for general consumer use, adds a host of features that cellular phone providers "forgot" to include; from conference calling to financial transaction handling. Campus-Cast then ties PhonePlusPlus users on a campus together through the time-tested underlying technology of AllCom's unique Genie platform, used for years in multilevel organizations around the world.

"With Campus-Cast, all the college need do is to make the service available to their students and faculty," Skala explained. "As each new user signs up, they automatically become part of that school's Campus-Cast network. And for every month they remain a user of the system, the school receives a monthly donation of $2.50 which can be used by the school anyway they see fit. These donations continue for as long as they remain a subscriber, even after the student graduates."

Once part of the system, the students and faculty members can be reached individually or en-masse with whatever message the school needs them to receive - quickly, securely and at no charge to the school.

"Interested schools should have their communications manager or safety officer contact our sales team for details. On today's wide spread and wide open campuses, communication is more important than ever. And tying in the existing ocean of cell phones just makes sense."

About AllCom

AllCom, a Nevada corporation, was created to integrate telecommunications, electronic banking and internet services into one seamless global service.

AllCom embarked on a mission to design and fully develop a proprietary technology, both hardware and software, which integrates three powerful technologies; Telecommunications, the world’s most universal and interactive communication medium; Electronic Banking, the key to electronic commerce; and the Internet, the world’s most powerful information medium as one seamless service.

AllCom integrated its own unified communications platform with Genie Bancor's electronic banking services: The Universal Office, AllCom’s proprietary soft switch, runs on GenieNet, an international private voice-over-IP network, (GenieNet).

AllCom now provides local coverage in most US markets. Across the nation, in over three thousand cities and communities, spanning 115 area codes across 1343 rate centers, in twenty-seven states and Washington DC, and can be reached by approximately 80% of the population in the United States as a local call.

AllCom also provide Local Public Access Numbers in about five thousand cities and communities in 38 countries on five continents through the use of a touch-tone telephone or the internet. NO OTHER EQUIPMENT IS NECESSARY.

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